Are you a victim of cyber crime?

If you are a victim of cyber crime

You may feel like you're facing an invisible enemy. You will likely be very angry, fearful and feel under siege in your own home and completely powerless to do anything about it.

Remember though that none of this is your fault – only the hacker or scammer is responsible for the crime and you have no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed.

About us and who are we?

We are a team of seasoned IT professionals with over 25 years' experience in all matters of IT and are specialists in Cyber Security and network security. Together with our consultants, Award-winning law firm Lewis Nedas Solicitors we present a formidable force in the fight against online and Cyber Crime and the legal challenges often associated with recovery of lost monies. This division was setup to help individuals and companies who have no idea where to start. All too often crimes are not reported to the correct authorities and can often result in no action being taken at all. With our expertise we can assist with where to start, who to report to and how to pursue the correct procedures.

What can we do for you?

Cyber Crime is a very serious and stressful matter and whether you are a company or an individual, if you become a victim of this kind of crime it can create immediate panic! Who do you call first? IT ? The Bank? The Police ? Can I get anything done in time ? At cybercrimehelp we provide a methodical first aid type service and will approach your problem in calm and professional approach to help with the way forward after an attack occurs.

Will I be able to recover my money?

That very much depends on how you were parted from your money and lets face it, it can be a nightmare knowing what to do. With the majority of scams involving direct bank transfers this can present a more complex procedure that needs to be taken with banks to address the possibility of recovery. We very much believe that if you feel that you have suffered a significant loss, then we believe it's worth a try.

Whilst we can never guarantee that you will be successful in recovering lost money given the multiple complexities surrounding hacks and scams, we do however think that doing nothing can sometimes just add to the already stressful situation and in some respects trying to recover something may prove beneficial.

How do I get in touch? What is the procedure? What is the cost?

We charge a one-off initial consultation fee of £200+ vat which includes an IT expert immediately reviewing your critical security. This fee is charged at the start of the case and is payable by credit card. Your consultant will advise on the crucial early stages of who to report the fraud to and advice with any letters that may need to be written to banks etc. You will need to give us a description of what has occurred, and the sooner after the event, the better. If the case is complex and requires legal advice, we will advise you on this, but no further fees will be charged until an informed decision has been made on an attempted recovery. You should contact us on 0207 … or email

If legal advice is required, a meeting with our consultant solicitors Lewis Nedas will be given without prior consultation and an agreed plan of action.